Bollywood star Akshay Kumar announced the fifth instalment of his popular comedy series, Housefull, in June. Scheduled for a Diwali 2024 release, Housefull 5 is set to become India’s first comedy franchise with a fifth film. With a substantial budget, the film’s casting is underway, and production is set to commence in January 2024, as reported by Pinkvilla.
According to a source close to the project, the film’s core plot is finalized, and pre-production is in full swing, with shooting scheduled to start on January 15. Housefull is a significant franchise for both Akshay and producer Sajid Nadiadwala, offering a unique blend of madcap comedy and heightened stakes.
Initial attempts to sign Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham faced challenges due to scheduling conflicts, forcing them to decline the roles. However, efforts to maintain continuity in the series include reaching out to Riteish Deshmukh, a consistent presence in the first four instalments.
The Housefull series, directed by Sajid Khan, commenced in 2010 and achieved success with its ensemble cast. While the first two parts were hits, the subsequent films maintained the comedic spirit with changing casts. The upcoming Housefull 5 is expected to bring fresh energy to the franchise, capitalizing on its successful formula.
Currently, Akshay Kumar is immersed in the shooting of Mudassar Aziz’s Khel Khel Mein in London. He recently completed his cameo in Singham Again and has Udaan, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, and Sky Force lined up for future projects. With Housefull 5 gearing up for production, fans can anticipate another uproarious addition to this beloved comedy series.
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