Renowned hip-hop artist and music producer, Honey Singh, has had an ill experience at his recent gig at a South Delhi club where the rapper was allegedly manhandled by a group of unidentified men during his performance. Honey Singh, who usually refrains from taking legal actions against such incidents, has filed an FIR with the Delhi Police under the sections of criminal intimidation, voluntarily causing hurt, wrongful restraint and others.
Rapper Honey Singh was performing at a South Delhi club on March 27 this year when the incident happened. As per the FIR, half a dozen men started misbehaving during his performance and disrupted the show. The men, who were also recording the incident, allegedly tried to pull Honey Singh from the stage and threatened him. The rapper also mentioned that one of the people was carrying a weapon with him while another was making a video and shouting, “Bhaga diya Honey Singh ko (Honey Singh has been frightened away).”
The FIR was lodged with Delhi Police after the music producer and his lawyer complaint of nuisance, threat and misbehaviour. It has also been reported that the rest of the artists who were to perform during the night left the venue after the incident. The police are investigating the situation further to identify the people and take further action as per the law.
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