Renowned singer and music director of the Bollywood industry, Himesh Reshammiya met with a car accident in the morning on Tuesday. As per the initial reports, the misfortunate incident took place at the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and the singer has survived the tragedy with few scratches.
However, the driver of Himesh Reshammiya, Ram Ranjan, is under a critical medical condition as he suffered severe injuries. Ram Ranjan is a resident of Bihar and is living in Mumbai with his family. More details are yet to arrive as the investigation of the mishappening is still ongoing.
Himesh Reshammiya is best known as a playback singer in the movies like Aashiq Banaya Aapne, Jhalak Dikhla Ja, Naam Hai Tera, Tera Surroor and Aap Ki Kashish. In the year 2007, he made his debut as an actor in the movie Aap Ka Surroor and went on to act in Karzzzz, Khiladi 786, and The Xpose.
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