Indian television actor Helly Shah is all prepared to make her debut on the big screens with the renowned filmmaker Marc Baschet bankrolling the project. The international feature will mark the debut of Helly Shah alongside Rahat Kazmi and Tariq Khan.
Helly was last seen in the popular daily soap, Ishq Mein Marjawan 2, which went off the air last year. While her fans were waiting to see her in another show, the film debut came as a surprise to them. Titled Kaya Palat, the gritty thriller is being helmed by Shoaib Nikash Shah and will be backed by the makers of Lines and Lihaaf. Marc Baschet will be co-producing the project.
On sharing the screen with the experienced Helly Shah, co-actor Rahat Kazmi praised her talent and said that her performance in the movie will be memorable for the audience. “Kaya Palat is her film as an actor. The film involves several deep layers inside which the audience will get to watch in the near future,” he added as he applauded her involvement in the script.
Directed by Shoaib Nikash Shah, Kaya Palat will feature Helly Shah in a never before seen avatar. The gritty and gripping thriller will also feature musician and singer, Rohil Bhatia, alongside Rahat Kazmi and Tariq Khan in the key roles.
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