Bollywood superstar, Salman Khan, has been treating his fans with exclusive videos and songs on his recently launched YouTube channel amid the lockdown. While the actor was stuck in his farmhouse with his family members and some close friends when the Prime Minister of India announced a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the viral pandemic, the latest report suggests that the actor has returned to his home in Mumbai.
Salman Khan was to shoot for songs and some scenes for his upcoming cop-drama, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, helmed by Prabhu Deva, but after the announcement of a lockdown, the actor rushed to his favourite farmhouse in Panvel. For around a month, the actor was confined to his farmhouse with his friends and some of his family members as he shared many videos and pictures of his stay. However, as the third lockdown is coming to an end, Salman Khan has reportedly returned to Galaxy Apartments.
Post the lockdown, Salman Khan’s parents, Salim Khan and Salma Khan, were living in the Galaxy Apartments and if the reports are to be believed, now Salman Khan has returned to his parents in Mumbai. While at the farmhouse, Salman Khan recently said in a video, “I was wanting to spend quality time with family, my family was here with me, Arpita, her kids, mummy, all were here. But now they have returned home.”
On the work front, Salman will next be seen in the upcoming cop-drama, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, along with Disha Patani and Randeep Hooda in the key roles. The movie was scheduled to release on the occasion of Eid but in wake of the current pandemic situation, there are speculations that the movie might release over an OTT platform.
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