Renowned television and movie actor Gurmeet Choudhary and wife Debina Bonnerjee have tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. The actor took to his social media handle to inform his fans about the infection and updated about his and his wife’s current health as they are currently in home isolation.
Taking to his social media handles, Gurmeet Choudhary wrote, “My wife and I have tested positive for Covid-19 today. We are touch wood, doing fine and are taking all the necessary precautions, in isolation at home. We request all those who have been in contact with us to take care. Thank you all for your love and support.” After he broke the unfortunate news, his fans and dear ones bombarded the post with wishes for a speedy recovery in the comments section.
The actor had recently wrapped the shooting for his upcoming horror movie, The Wife, and shared a video from the sets of the movie where every necessary precaution for Coronavirus was in place. Gurmeet had also suffered a lower back injury during the shooting of an action scene for the movie.
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