Post the phenomenal success of Ranveer Singh starrer Gully Boy, co-actor Siddhant Chaturvedi rose to fame and has bagged many big banner projects. While the actor will soon be seen in the sequel of classic comedy, Bunty Aur Babli, he will also be sharing screen space with Ananya Panday in the Shakun Batra directorial. Meanwhile, in a recent interview, Siddhant Chaturvedi shut down Ananya Panday when she shared her opinion on nepotism.
In a recent interview, Pati Patni Aur Woh actress Ananya Panday was asked about her views on nepotism which is a controversial topic in the tinsel town. The actress mentioned that she had always dreamed of acting and wouldn’t give up because her father is an actor. “My dad has never been in a Dharma film, he never went on Koffee With Karan. So it’s not as easy as people say. Everyone has their own journey and their own struggle,” the actress added.
However, her opinions didn’t go well with Siddhant Chaturvedi who was sitting just beside her. The Gully Boy actor gave a savage reply to the Ananya Panday and said that her struggle starts where his dreams come true. “The difference is ‘jahaan humare sapne poore hote hain, wahi inka struggle shuru hota hai’,” the actor said and won the internet with her reply. While his comment went viral over the internet, netizens trolled Ananya Panday for getting confused between struggles of a newcomer to appearing in Koffee With Karan.
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