Kit Harington, best known for portraying the character of Jon Snow in the HBO’s most successful television series, Game of Thrones, is undergoing therapy for a mental health retreat.
His representative told leading portal, Insider, that Kit is utilizing the break in his schedule as an opportunity to work on some personal issues at a wellness retreat. Another source mentioned that the ending of the television series, Game of Thrones, ‘really hit him hard’.
Kit Harington’s character in the series, Jon Snow, was killed, resurrected and then shifted to as the main character of the show which Kit couldn’t handle as an actor. He said that he started his therapy after that episode in his career because he was unsure whether he would be able to pull off the character as the main focus or not.
The entire cast and crew of the world’s most followed series, which completed its runtime recently, said that shooting of the last series had a toll on their mental and physical health because of the tiring schedule. Kit even told GQ Australia that the finale series seemed designed to tear them apart and everyone was broken at the very end.
However, the series has concluded with mixed reviews owing to the abrupt ending, and now is the time for the star cast to check their mental and physical health. We wish Kit Harington to get well soon and start working on his next big project which may start at the year’s end.
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