The Fukrey franchise is one of the most loved comedy movie series of Bollywood and after the success of Fukrey and Fukrey Returns, the makers of the comedy franchise are planning on the third instalment of the movie and during the media interaction of the upcoming animation show Fukrey Boyzzz, producer Ritesh Sidhwani announced Fukrey 3.
Recently, the Fukrey crew assembled once again for the launch event of the Fukrey Boyzzz which will be aired on television and will be focused on kids. The launch event witnessed the lead cast of the franchise including Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh and Richa Chadha. During the promotional interaction for the animated series, Ritesh Sidhwani shared insights about the future Fukrey movie.
The producer said that they are currently working on the scripting of the third part of the Fukrey series and the movie is expected to go on floors by the end of next year and will follow up to the story of the previous instalment of the franchise.
Meanwhile, Fukrey Boyzzz will be aired on the Discovery Kids channel from October 12 onwards in six languages- English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Catering to kids aged eight to thirteen, the animated series will revolve around the popular characters of the movie.
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