In the thriving landscape of Bollywood in 2023, the success of major projects has emboldened filmmakers to venture into grand-scale productions. One such highly anticipated film in the making is Ramayana, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, renowned for helming Dangal. Featuring a star-studded cast with Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita, and KGF sensation Yash as Ravana, the project also sees Sunny Deol portraying Lord Hanuman, while Lara Dutta takes on the role of Kaikyegi, and Rakul Preet Singh embodies Shrupanakha.
As per insider information, Ramayana is planned as a three-part cinematic epic. The first instalment is set to unfold in the early chapters, introducing Lord Rama, his life in Ayodhya, his union with Sita, and their subsequent 14-year exile. Notably, the inaugural part is expected to conclude with the pivotal moment of Sita’s kidnapping by Ravana. The creators aim to deliver the timeless saga with a careful blend of entertainment, sensitivity, and cinematic flair, ensuring a rich narrative experience.
Although details remain uncertain regarding Sunny Deol’s role as Lord Hanuman in Part 1—whether it will be substantial or a cameo—the second part is anticipated to delve into Lord Ram and Lakshman’s encounters with Lord Hanuman and the Vaanar Sena, along with the obstacles they confront and the construction of the iconic Ram Setu. The third and final instalment is poised to narrate the epic showdown between the Vaanar Sena and Ravana’s army, culminating in Ravana’s defeat and the triumphant return of Lord Ram and Sita to Ayodhya.
With extensive research and meticulous pre-production efforts, Ramayana is speculated to be officially announced on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, falling on April 17, 2024. The film aims to encapsulate the essence of the revered epic in a visually captivating and culturally resonant manner.
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