Indian businessman Raj Kundra was recently arrested for producing and streaming adult content through his mobile applications. However, the netizens targetted his wife and renowned actress Shilpa Shetty on the internet and trolled heavily. While the actress has been avoiding public appearances and statements, filmmaker Hansal Mehta spoke in her favour.
Taking to the microblogging website, Twitter, Hansal Mehta wrote, “This vilification is a pattern. If the allegations are against a film person there is a rush to invade privacy, to pass sweeping judgement, to character-assassinate, to fill ‘news’ with trashy gossip – all at the cost of individuals and their dignity. This is the cost of silence.”
The filmmaker further asked the netizens to stop trolling and targeting Shilpa Shetty Kundra without knowing her side of the story. “If you cannot stand up for her at least leave Shilpa Shetty alone and let the law decide? Allow her some dignity and privacy. It is unfortunate that people in public life ultimately are left to fend for themselves and are proclaimed guilty even before justice is meted out,” his tweet read.
Meanwhile, the ongoing controversy has allegedly cost Shilpa a number of projects and she skipped her appearance as a judge in the dance reality show, Super Dancer Chapter 4, as well. Her recent release, Hungama 2, was also affected and the makers of her next, Nikamma, has postponed the release date.
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