It was earlier informed that a horror-comedy titled Bhoot Police is under development with Saif Ali Khan playing a prominent character. However, over the course of a year, the project has gone through some massive changes in its production and cast team. While the movie was announced with Saif Ali Khan, Ali Fazal and Fatima Sana Shaikh in the leads, the latter two are now replaced.
While with a new production house taking over the project, there have been major changes in the cast of the movie and Ali Fazal was replaced with Arjun Kapoor. On the other hand, Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam are offered the role of Fatima Sana Shaikh. However, the actress is staying positive with the replacement and expressed her thoughts on the same in a recent media interview. “First it was with Fox Star Hindi and now it’s with some other production house (Ramesh Taurani’s Tips). So, that was a massive change. Things are not that bigger and I am not upset. I mean, this is how it is. People make films and want it to be the best. They cast according to their liking and it’s fine,” Fatima Sana Shaikh said.
The actress further said that she has some very good projects in hand and she hoped to get more work in the industry. “What to do now? We can’t be bitter about everything,” she added. Fatima is currently awaiting the release of two movies, Ludo and Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari, and coincidentally both the movies are releasing in the same week.
Talking about Bhoot Police, the Pavan Kriplani directorial will team up Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor for a ghosthunters spooky comedy and expected to go on the floors early next year.
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