On Thursday morning, the first teaser for the forthcoming comedy Double XL starring Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi was unveiled. The brief 30-second teaser, which showcases the protagonists’ looks and chemistry, was posted by the movie’s production house T-Series on their official YouTube channel. The audience expressed appreciation for the small preview and expressed great anticipation for more.
The movie is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vipul D Shah, Rajesh Bahl, and Ashwin Varde, as well as Saqib Saleem, Huma Qureshi, and Mudassar Aziz and is directed by Satramm Ramani. The date of release is set for October 14.
At the start of the teaser, Huma and Sonakshi’s characters may be seen sitting on a bench in a foreign city. Huma cracks a joke on how people may still detect body fat on women wearing huge, baggy kurtas. She continues, “No matter how much you tuck your tummy in, jeans always get stuck around the thighs,” with a distinctive Bihari accent. “And boys’ demands are strange, They desire a big bust and a small waist,” Sonakshi answers with her distinctive Haryanvi tone.
Then, after a little pause, she remarks to those lads, “Tumse kuch chhota-bada maang liya to kahan jaaoge tum (What if we ask you for anything big or small).” in a semi-angry tone. The two pals can then be seen laughing heartily together. According to the post, the movie is “a narrative of friendship and dreams full of masti (joy)”.
In addition to Sonakshi and Huma, Zaheer Iqbal and Mahat Raghavendra also appear in the movie. The fixation with weight and stereotypes of female bodies are topics covered in the movie. Zaheer stated, “Sonu and Huma did their diet as they were intended to put on weight,” in an earlier interview with India Today. They gained 15 to 20 kilogrammes for the movie. They simply continued to eat. Basically, it was action, cut, and burger lao (bring food). I just recall that from the shoot.”