Marvel Studios’ upcoming superhero drama, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, is currently one of the most anticipated movies of the year and it will be making its global premiere this week. While the fans across the world are counting every minute to be able to see the film, the MCU fans in China might not be able to witness the ‘multiverse madness’.
After Black Widow’s depiction of communism and critical comments about Beijing made by Eternals director Chloé Zhao, the Chinese government have banned many Marvel movies in the country. In fact, Avengers: Endgame was the last MCU movie that was released in China and the fans were hoping to see a change with the upcoming Doctor Strange sequel. However, the recent social media controversy relating to a scene from the movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is unlikely to be one of the rare movies to be released in China.
In the opening scene of the movie, it is alleged that a newspaper kiosk bears the Chinese characters for The Epoch Times, an international multi-language newspaper and media company which opposes the Chinese Communist Party. The scene has sparked a controversy on the local social media upsetting many in the country. While an official notice is yet to be released, the Sam Raimi directorial is on the verge of getting prohibited in the country.
Meanwhile, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness already has also been banned in Middle Eastern countries for the depiction of a gay character American Chavez in the movie. Earlier, Eternals had faced the same fate in the Middle Eastern countries as it was barred from release.
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