Disney+Hotstar has exciting news for thriller fans with their upcoming series, The Freelancer, based on Shirish Thorat’s book “A Ticket to Syria.” Neeraj Pandey, renowned for his work on Special Ops, serves as the showrunner, and the series is directed by Bhav Dhulia. Produced by Friday Storytellers, the star-studded cast includes Mohit Raina, Anupam Kher, Sushant Singh, Kashmira Pardeshi, John Kokken, Gauri Balaji, Navneet Malik, and more.
The captivating storyline follows Aliya’s escape from a hostile environment filled with deception and betrayal. Gaurav Banerjee, Head of Content at Disney+Hotstar & HSM Entertainment Network, expressed excitement for the collaboration with Neeraj Pandey, anticipating the audience’s enjoyment of The Freelancer.
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Creator and Showrunner Neeraj Pandey described the series as a gripping, large-scale thriller that revolves around an extraordinary rescue mission in war-torn Syria. Mohit Raina portrays the Freelancer, Anupam Kher as analyst Dr Khan, and Kashmira Pardesi as Aliya.
The show features a talented ensemble cast and takes viewers to unexplored and unseen worlds, shot across multiple international locations. Bhav Dhulia and the Friday Storytellers team have put in immense effort to bring this thrilling story to life, and Neeraj hopes the audiences will love it.
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