Disha Vakani, who has become a household name after entertaining the masses with her quirky character of Dayaben in the sitcom Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasmaah, took a break from the show two years ago. She took a maternity leave from the show but never came back.
Dayaben has been one of the leading characters in the sitcom and fans have been waiting for her in the show ever since she made an exit. There were earlier reports that Disha had asked for a hike in her fees and producers were trying to settle on her terms. However, the recent update is not in support of her comeback ever.
According to the sources, show makers and Disha didn’t come to an agreement and she is not coming back to Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasmaah anymore. The makers were searching for her replacement for quite a while now and after the recent episode, they are expected to take the search forward.
While we will have to wait a while to find out about the new Dayaben, Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasmaah fans might not digest the same.
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