Shahid Kapoor and Karan Johar collaborated for the first time for the comedy-drama, Shaandaar, but the movie tanked at the box office and the two never worked together afterwards. However, the humongous success of Kabir Singh has opened several paths for the actor and he has recently signed Shashank Khaitan’s next which is to be bankrolled by Karan Johar.
Shahid Kapoor and Karan Johar had been discussing numerous scripts but they never materialized until Yoddha which is to be helmed by Shashank Khaitan. A source close to the development of the movie reveals that the makers have roped in Disha Patani to play the female lead in the actioner. While the makers are tight-lipped about the details of the movie, it is being mounted on a lavish budget with high- octane action sequences.
Disha Patani and Shahid Kapoor have interestingly never worked together but their fans are excited to see the fresh pair on the big screen. With Yoddha, Disha will also mark her debut under the production banner of Dharma Productions. Helmed by Shashank Khaitan, the movie is expected to go on the floors early next year as the lead actors are currently busy with their ongoing work commitments.
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