Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao, the directors have been making music videos for decades now. Recently they marked their talent with the much sensation video of Jubin Nautiyal’s Lut Gaye that features actor Emraan Hashmi, and singer Darshan Rawal and Zara Khan’s Dil hai Deewana starring Rakulpreet Singh and Arjun Kapoor.
On working at Dil hai Deewana, Sapru reveals that went it came down to Arjun and Rakulpreet, both were always bubbling with lots of good energy like a child on the set. He calls him the life of the party but also says that Arjun has a very inquisitive mind and would curiously ask how can they treat the next shot in a different way or how would it be treated on the editing table and how could it be made more fun or quirky. Sapru thinks that Kapoor is interested in the director’s vision and he definitely has the quality of a film director in him. The directors also said that since the team was working post lockdown, an enthusiastic star like Arjun is always great to feel happy and energetic.
Director Radhika Rao, in regards to the music video of Lut Gaye, said that Emraan was quite a contrast to Arjun. She admitted that Emraan Hashmi is very different from Kapoor and is a calm, quiet and silent observer. For Lut Gaye, t team was shooting late at night and early in the morning. They had very little time in hand and a small crew and everything had to finish as soon as possible because they were following the protocol and shooting at a heritage property. It could have not been possible without the extra effort Emraan put in and Hashmi put in all his efforts silently.
The song Lut Gaye is written by Manoj Muntashir and composed by Tanishk Bagchi while Dil Hai Deewana is written by Shabbir Ahmed and composed by Tanishk Bagchi again.
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