Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput left for his heavenly abode on June 14 but forever lives on in the hearts of his fans. While the actor’s unfortunate and untimely demise was earlier speculated as a suicide, new revelations are being made almost every day in relation to cause of his death. Recently, former Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Narayan Rane, made a shocking revelation and dragged many people into the ongoing investigation and controversy.
BJP MP Narayan Rane was quoted, “He(Sushant Singh Rajput) was murdered. The Maharashtra government is trying to save someone. It is not paying attention to the case.” Rane not only claimed that the actor was murdered but also made shocking revelations about the late actor’s former manager Disha Salian who also reportedly died by suicide days before the actor’s demise. The politician had also told the media that actor Dino Morea played host to several high-profile guests and Sushant Singh Rajput a day before the actor’s demise. Dino Morea was quick to react to the statement and said that it is not true.
Taking to his social media handle, Bollywood actor Dino Morea denied claims of BJP MP Narayan Rane and said that he has no connection with the case. “There was never any such gathering at my residence, pls get your facts right before making these allegations. DO NOT drag my name into this as I have no connection whatsoever with this,” the actor wrote. Along with the tweet, Dino also shared the video clip claiming that the party was organized at the former’s residence.
There was never any such gathering at my residence , pls get your facts right before making these allegations. DO NOT drag my name into this as I have no connection whatsoever with this.
— Dino Morea (@DinoMorea9) August 4, 2020
Meanwhile, Bihar police and Mumbai police are conducting their separate investigations in the Sushant Singh Rajput suicide case while many are requested for a CBI probe into the matter.
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