Renowned Punjabi singer Diljaan died in a road accident on Tuesday near Amritsar. According to reports, the singer was on the Amritsar-Jalandhar highway near Jandiala Guru town of Amritsar when his car collided with another vehicle. Diljaan was rushed to the nearby hospital by a group of Sikh devotees returning from the Hola Mohalla but he was declared ‘brought dead’ by the hospital authorities.
Mourning the death of the young singer, Chief Minister of Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh, shared, “Shocked at the tragic death of young and promising Punjabi singer Diljaan in a road accident earlier today. It is extremely sad to lose young lives like these on road. My condolences to the family, friends and fans. RIP!”
Diljaan came into the limelight after participating in the Punjabi music reality show, Awaaz Punjab Di. He also participated in the Hindi music reality show, Sur Kshetra, and made legendary Hindi singer and jury member, Asha Bhonsle, cry with his soulful voice.
Diljaan had released the teaser of his upcoming song, Tere Warge-2, on Sunday and his fans were excitingly waiting for the release of Tere Warge-2 and Hanju.