Renowned Telugu actor Allu Arjun enjoys a massive pan-India following and his movies dubbed in Hindi language mint success for the makers. However, the Hindi-dubbed premiere of his recent release, Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, seems to have made more money to the director of Goldmines Telefilms, Manish Shah, by not releasing it. Reportedly, the makers of Shehzada paid a whooping sum of Rs. 8 crores to Manish Shah to hold back the Hindi dubbed release of the Allu Arjun starrer.
Last year, a Hindi remake of Allu Arjun’s successful Telugu-language movie, Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, was announced with Kartik Aaryan in the lead. While the fans have been eagerly waiting to see Kartik Aaryan as the world’s poorest prince alongside Kriti Sanon as the female lead, the makers feared the Hindi-dubbed release of Allu Arjun’s original will affect the business of the Hindi remake.
As per the sources close to the development of the project, the makers of Shehzada offered Manish Shah to come as a co-producer for the Hindi remake but the latter declined. After much discussion and requests, Manish Shah decided to come to an agreement to premiere the Hindi-dubbed version of Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo at least 16 weeks after the theatrical release of Shehzada. However, the makers of the Hindi remake had to pay Manish Shah a sum of Rs 8 crore for this agreement which is against Rs 4 crore paid by Manish Shah to acquire the Hindi dubbing rights of the Allu Arjun starrer.
Helmed by Rohit Dhawan, Shehzada reunites Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon after their rom-com outing with Luka Chuppi. The movie went on the floors last year and the makers look forward to a theatrical release by the end of this year.
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