Television actors and former Bigg Boss contestants, Karan Kundrra and Tejasswi Prakash, have been making headlines ever since they started dating each other. The couple confessed their love for each other during their time on the controversial celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, and despite the show going off the air, the two love between the two have only grown.
While Karan Kundrra and Tejasswi Prakash have been vocal about their relationship and their fans love their social media banters, rumours of a Roka ceremony have been doing rounds recently after Karan was spotted leaving his girlfriend’s house with a tilak on his forehead. Adding to the flame, Karan further dropped a hint about his Roka in a recent interview.
In his latest interview with Telly Talk, Karan was asked if a Roka has happened and the actor refused to confirm or deny the rumours. However, what made his fans excited is he said that he keeps on dropping subtle hints from time to time. The actor has also admitted that he is looking forward to taking the next step in his earlier relationships. After his interview, TejRan fans have been celebrating the Roka and the hashtag #TejRan trended over the micro-blogging website Twitter.
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