While the Indian entertainment industry used to have links with the underworld, the Kollywood industry is currently facing back to back threat calls. On Tuesday morning, former leader of opposition in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, Vijayakanth received a bomb threat at his residence followed by actor Dhanush. The actor received the bomb threat at his residence in Chennai.
The police control room after receiving an anonymous call that a bomb has been placed at the residence of Dhanush reached to his house and conducted a thorough search operation with sniffer dogs. However, it turned out to be a hoax threat. The police are currently trying to trace the caller who made the threat call to the politician and the actor. For the initiated, similar bomb threat calls were made to actors Suriya and Rajinikanth earlier this year.
Weeks ago, Suriya’s office also received a hoax bomb threat in Chennai which created chaos. On the other hand, actor Rajinikanth had also received a hoax bomb threat call at his residence by a mentally challenged minor. To much surprise, the actor offered financial help to the family of the accused and promised to bear his educational expenses.
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