Television actress Divya Bhatnagar who was best known for her character in daily soap Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai succumbed to COVID-19 on Monday. While her untimely demise at an age of 34 troubled one and all, her friend and actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee made more shocking revelations on her social media handle accusing her husband of domestic violence, torture and abuse.
Devoleena Bhattacharjee shared an emotional video on her social media handle to express her bond with the late actress and how their equation changed with time. While she shared that Divya Bhatnagar was like a family to her, she went on to reveal ill marriage of Divya and how her husband Gagan Gabru used to torture her. Devoleena revealed that Gagan used to beat Divya often and highlighted his toxic behaviour towards his wife. She went on to reveal that Gagan lured Divya into marriage against the wishes of her family and used her to get inside the entertainment industry.
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Devoleena further revealed that following the mental torture, Gagan also stole Divya’s jewellery and molestation charges against him in the Shimla Police Station. She added that Gagan was put behind the bars for half-a-year in the offences registered against him and assures that many sexual molestation complaints are likely to be found against him. While Devoleena urged the industry to do a background check before working with him, Divya’s mother has also accused Gagan of being a fraud.
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