The Delhi High Court has issued summons to T-Series and Netflix India following a lawsuit by Cine1 Studios Private Limited, a co-producer of the film Animal, featuring Ranbir Kapoor. The lawsuit aims to prevent the film’s release on streaming or satellite platforms until allegations of contractual breaches by T-Series are addressed.
Cine1 Studios contends that T-Series violated contractual obligations by not seeking consent for various aspects, including pre-teaser release, credits, marketing, and final cost disclosure. They also accuse T-Series of withholding details about agreements with Netflix India for internet rights and Sony Pictures Networks India for satellite rights.
T-Series, represented by Senior Advocate Amit Sibal, disputes these claims, citing an August 2022 amendment agreement where Cine1 allegedly relinquished all intellectual property and derivative rights for Rs 2.6 crores.
Justice Sanjeev Narula presiding over the case admitted the suit and summoned both defendants. They are required to submit written statements and affidavits, with the plaintiff having the opportunity to file a reply and rejoinder if necessary. Case completion and evidence marking are scheduled for March 15, followed by issue framing at a later date.
Further hearings are set for January 22, where legal teams will present detailed arguments. The Delhi HC’s summons may impact the digital release timeline of Animal.
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