The leading lady of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone, has been in the news lately after she was spotted with former lover Ranbir Kapoor outside the office of director Luv Ranjan. As per reports, Deepika and Ranbir are in talks with the director for his upcoming project which led Deepika’s fans agitated.
After the news broke the internet, Deepika’s fans made a trend #NotMyDeepika on the giant social media network, Twitter, and urged the actress to not work with Luv Ranjan as he has been accused of sexual harassment. Luv Ranjan was charged with sexual harassment allegations during the #MeToo movement by a woman but the case has not been taken forward.
Recently, in an interview with a leading magazine, Deepika Padukone was asked if she would work with someone who has been charged with sexual harassment allegations and her reply was sound and clear as she said, “No! I would not.” While she hasn’t discussed her participation in Luv Ranjan’s next, her reply came as a relief to her fans.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone will soon share screen space with husband Ranveer Singh in the sports drama, ’83 and she also has the biopic of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal in the pipeline.
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