On Wednesday, a decomposed body of an unidentified person was found at the farmhouse owned by renowned Telugu actor Akkineni Nagarjuna in the Papireddyguda village in the Telangana state. Nagarjuna bought the farmhouse in the year 2018.
According to the report, the actor hired a farming service to prepare the farmland which is spread over 40 acres. After the farming experts started working at his farmland, they came in contact with a foul smell arising from an abandoned building in the property. Upon investigation, a decomposed dead body was found inside the building.
As per sources, the police was informed shortly after the incident as they filed a case of a suspicious death. The dead body has been sent for post-mortem while further investigation is going on. Police have identified the deceased man as Chakali Pandu who committed suicide followed by the death of his brother due to kidney ailment.
Meanwhile, we tried to get in touch with the actor regarding the incident but he has not reacted to the news yet.
Keep reading the EntNetwrk Blog for further information.