South Korean survival drama, Squid Game, became a global sensation in no time and surpassed all web series to become Netflix’s most-watched original series ever. While the show remains iconic across the world for its unique take on humanity with heart-racing thrilling games, the show was banned in North Korea declaring it an indictment of South Korea’s capitalist system. However, in more strange news, a man has been sentenced to death for pirating the show in North Korea despite the ban.
As per the report, people in North Korea were watching the hit show secretly through pirated copies and when it came across the authorities, the man who smuggled the copies to the country will have to pay the mistake with his life. Reportedly, the survival drama series was smuggled across the North Korea border from China on USB drives and the man smuggling has been sentenced to death by the North Korean government.
The source further informs that the consumers of the pirated show will also have to pay for their crimes. It has been revealed that one student has been sentenced to life in prison for watching the pirated show while others are sentenced to five years of hard labour. Furthermore, several of the students’ teachers and administrators have been fired and could be banished to work in remote mining operations.
The move comes a year after Kim Jong-un’s government passed the Elimination of Reactionary Thought and Culture Act that curbs South Korean and American films, music, plays, and books from entering the country and being disseminated.
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