After his impressive performance in the IPL, cricket star Chris Gayle is venturing into the music video space with “Oh Fatima,” his first collaboration with singer-songwriter and music composer Arko Pravo Mukherjee. Delighted by the response to the song, Gayle has now revealed his aspiration to embark on a Bollywood career, alongside none other than Deepika Padukone.
“Oh Fatima” is described as a unique fusion of Indian and Jamaican music styles, resulting in a swoony, groovy, and vibrant track. The song, sung, penned, and composed by Arko and Chris Gayle, is directed by Rammjii Gulatii and features Karina Karra, an artist from Uzbekistan. The music video takes viewers on a journey throughout the UAE with Fatima and her friends.
During the song’s launch, Gayle expressed his excitement, stating that his unforgettable experience in India and the IPL, combined with his love for music and singing, culminated in “Oh Fatima.” He described the song as great, with fantastic locations and a brilliant collaboration with Arko and the team, promising a treat for people worldwide.
Arko emphasized their aim to elevate the Indian music industry to a global platform, with “Oh Fatima” being a manifestation of that desire. Gayle, a global icon known as the “Universe Boss,” resonates not only on the cricket pitch but also in his music.
Looking ahead, Gayle shared his vision, expressing his interest in performing with Deepika Padukone in a music album if given the opportunity in the future. Whether this aspiration will become a reality remains to be seen, but Gayle’s passion and talent are undeniable.
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