The death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has been taking unexpected turns ever since the incident took place on June 14. While the initial investigation reported suicide, newer revelations deepened the mystery and many requested for CBI probe. After the late actor’s father lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar also sought CBI inquiry in the matter.
A day after Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government recommended a CBI probe in the actor’s death, the Centre has accepted the repeated request to transfer the case of Sushant Singh Rajput from Mumbai police to CBI. The bench headed by Justice Hrisheksh Roy said that Sushant’s death took place under ‘unusual’ circumstances and therefore, ‘the truth should unravel’. “A gifted and talented artist has passed away in circumstances which are unusual. This was very unfortunate. Now, the circumstances in which this death took place needs to be inquired into,” the bench added.
The bench also questioned Maharashtra government over forcibly putting Bihar’s IPS officer Vinay Tiwari in quarantine by BMC when he came to Mumbai to investigate the matter. “It doesn’t give the right message. He(Vinay Tiwari) was there to do his job. You must do everything in a professional manner,” the bench said.
On the other hand, Rhea Chakraborty’s plea seeking the transfer of investigation from Patna to Bihar will be heard next week. Rhea earlier uploaded a video of herself requesting the Union Home Minister for a CBI probe in the case. However, when the Bihar government recommended CBI inquiry, Rhea’s lawyer opposed the action by calling it against ‘legal sanctity’.
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