Featuring Manoj Bajpayee as a family man who is living a secret life, Family Man has been one of the most successful and critically acclaimed web series of India. While the first season of the show left everyone excited to...
Amazon Prime Video's original series, The Family Man, was released in 2019 and became an instant hit. The espionage action thriller web series featuring Manoj Bajpayee in the lead created trends at the social media networks and fans have been...
Every movie buff in the country is aware of the success of the Baahubali franchise and fans of the series were elated with the announcement of a prequel series sheltered at Netflix. While the fans couldn't wait for the web-series...
While the OTT platforms broke the barrier of going out to enjoy cinema and started the new trend of web-series in India. While the web-series instantly became a hit factor for the filmmakers, it also attracts controversies for its...
DC Universe fans have been excitingly waiting for Zack Snyder's version of the 2017 superhero movie, Justice League. While the episodic series is slated for a digital release on HBO Max on the 18th of March, HBO Max streamers...
Celebrating the strength of women, OTT giant Amazon Prime Video took to its social media handle to unveil the first look of its upcoming untitled series on the eve of International Women's Day. The first look of the series...
Featuring the story of the Indian stockbroker Harshad Mehta, SonyLIV's web-series, Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, created a trend in social media with its curious and dark story. Following the success of the 10-episode thriller series, the makers have...
OTT giant Netflix introduced the culture of web-series in India and the streaming platform is thriving with the best quality content across the globe. While one can always find the trending list of shows or movies on the platform...
Shahid Kapoor has been a busy actor post the enormous success of his last release, Kabir Singh, and made the actor on every producer's list. While Shahid recently completed the shooting of his upcoming sports drama, Jersey, he has been making...
Amazon Prime Video web series Mirzapur is undoubtedly one of the most popular Indian web series and the second season of the show also received critical acclamation. However, the show remained controversial for its content and recently an FIR was...
Shruti Haasan, who impressed audiences with her role as Aadhya in the action-packed Salaar, has addressed growing curiosity about the film’s second instalment. Fans...
Hrithik Roshan, one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors, is currently immersed in filming the much-anticipated War 2, a part of the YRF Spy Universe....
Veteran filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, celebrated for timeless family classics like Maine Pyaar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, has found...