Based on the DC comics, Swamp Thing is a story about a man who came in contact with conscious plant life and turned into an elemental monster creature. Despite getting great reviews from the audience, DC Universe decided to...
The popular television series, Lucifer, which aired on Fox for the first time gained popularity but failed to sustain as it was cancelled by the Fox after three seasons. However, the streaming giant, Netflix, took over and revived the...
After making a mark in the mainstream acting industry, Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s digital debut, Sacred Games, brought him more love from the audience. While the second season of the Sacred Games is awaiting release, Nawazuddin has bagged another project from...
India’s largest premium streaming platform, Hotstar, has recently launched its Specials web-series Hostages starring Ronit Roy in the lead and marking the digital debut of Tisca Chopra. Directed by renowned Bollywood director Sudhir Mishra, Hostages is an official adaptation...
Huma Qureshi who is gearing up for her upcoming dystopian drama series Leila has now bagged another project. The actor has been roped in for a Netflix project called 'Army of the dead' which will be helmed by Zack Snyder....
The trailer of ZEE5’s upcoming web-series Kaafir set in Kashmir is out today and it is getting a positive response from the viewers. The web-series stars actress Dia Mirza and television famed Mohit Raina in the lead roles. The...
From Bollywood to the Tamil industry, Dino Morea loves experimenting with his acting skills. The actor was seen in the 2017 Tamil movie 'Solo' and now he is going to make his digital debut in collaboration with ALTBalaji.
Raising a...
Global star Shah Rukh Khan has left his mark not just in Bollywood but also around the world and this time the actor will be appearing in the famous talk show 'My Next Guest Needs No Introduction' hosted by David...
After the huge success of the web series Ragini MMS Returns, the makers are now coming up with the second season and this time they will be featuring real-life couple Varun Sood and Divya Agarwal.
Movie Ragini MMS and Ragini...
Akshaye Khanna was last seen in the movie The accidental Prime Minister, and now the actor is gearing up to mark his digital debut in the upcoming web series 'The Prince'.
Akshaye is in talking terms with ALTBalaji to play...
Renowned filmmaker Aanand L Rai and award-winning music producer AR Rahman are coming together once again for the upcoming project, Tere Ishk Mein, featuring Dhanush...
Unni Mukundan’s action-packed thriller Marco continues to impress at the box office, achieving a remarkable ₹51.85 crore in collections within 17 days. The film,...
The Duchess of Sussex is making her much-anticipated return to the spotlight with With Love, Meghan, a heartwarming new lifestyle show that combines cooking,...