Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput rose to fame after his portrayal of Manav in the household drama, Pavitra Rishta, which aired from 2009 to 2014. Sushant, along with co-star Ankita Lokhande, became a household name for their onscreen chemistry and...
Last week, popular television actor Pearl V Puri was arrested in connection with the rape case of a minor. He has been booked under the POCSO Act and is currently under judicial custody.
Divya Khosla Kumar is just one of...
Popular television actor Pearl V Puri was arrested late night yesterday by the Mumbai police in connection with the rape of a minor. While the news jolted the entire entertainment industry and the fans of Pearl V Puri, early...
Actress Ruhii Singh reveals that in real life, she is not as dramatic as the characters she plays on screen. Ruhii is seen currently in the comedy web series "Runaway Lugaai". When asked if she would ever run away...
Child actress Ruhanika Dhawan, who is an important part of the track on the show Mere Sai: Shraddha Aur Saburi, says that her track sets out an important message about treating sons and daughters alike.
Ruhanika plays the role of...
Television actor Kunal Jaisingh has been playing a role in supporting the needy as the country battles the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. The actor has been providing milk and food to people in slum and helping them...
Television actor, Zebby Singh, who has lately joined the cast of the popular show, Tujhse Hai Raabta, says that he not shy to play any bold role on the screen, as long as it is not vulgar and crosses...
The popular stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, is back with its eleventh season and host Rohit Shetty. After the finale of another celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, fans have been anticipating the contestants of Khatron Ke Khiladi since the...
Due to the resurgent wave of COVID-19, the shoots are all being halted in Maharashtra and the silver screen industry has got the worst hit. The TV industry’s episode banks are all drying up, back to back....
Television actress Ankita Lokhande and late Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, rose to fame with the much-loved daily soap, Pavitra Rishta. The show was loved for the chemistry between the on-screen and former off-screen chemistry of the two and it...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...