The ultimate adventure and survival English television show of Bear Grylls enjoys enormous popularity among the entire world and after the episode with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi aired, the show has achieved a niche audience in India. With...
The thirteenth season of the celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, has been making headlines lately and considered one of the most controversial seasons of the show in history. While the show had an extension of its runtime owing to...
Hosted by superstar Salman Khan, Bigg Boss, is one of the most controversial shows of the Indian television industry and the current season of the celebrity-based reality show has been getting great response from the target audience. While the thirteenth...
Renowned singer Neha Kakkar has been in the headlines lately for her relationship gossips with the playback singer and television host, Aditya Narayan. While the two can be seen sharing fun banters over the singing reality show, Indian Idol Season...
Indian cricket team's all-rounder athlete, Hardik Pandya, has been one of the most talked-about of the Indian sports industry for all reasons. The cricketer faced severe criticism for his sexist remarks post his appearance as a guest in Karan...
Arhaan Khan had been one of the most talked and controversial contestants of the current season of the celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss. While the actor was evicted from the madhouse last week, he was accused of duping and misusing...
After the current season of the celebrity-based reality show Bigg Boss went phenomenally viral, contestants are enjoying enormous popularity. While very few knew about model turned actor Asim Riaz before his stint in the reality show hosted by Salman Khan, he...
Over the last couple of days, the entire nation is burning with the ongoing strong debate related to the recently announced Citizenship Amendment Act 2019. Following the same, students of the major universities are protesting against the CAA and...
Salman Khan used to be the idol of Arjun Kapoor and the two shared a great bonding in the tinsel town. However, after Arjun Kapoor started dating Salman Khan's sister-in-law, Malaika Arora, things went sour between them and allegedly...
Bigg Boss is one of the most controversial reality shows that air on Indian television and without a doubt, the thirteenth season of the show is no different. Bigg Boss 13 is enjoying a great response from the audiences and...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...