The action thriller Kill, starring Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala, has turned out to be a surprising success at the box office. Released on July 5, the critically acclaimed film managed to make a mark even in a...
Ajay Devgn and Tabu starrer romantic drama Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha was released last week and despite the anticipation for the film, it failed to achieve double-digit collections. Helmed by Neeraj Pandey, the movie had a poor opening at...
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman starrer Deadpool & Wolverine has completed its first weekend at the Indian box office with an astounding performance so far. The comic-book-based live-action superhero movie marked the debut of the antihero Deadpool and the powerful...
Despite facing challenges from heavy downpours that lashed Mumbai and parts of Maharashtra, the action thriller Kill has managed to surprise audiences and deliver a strong performance at the box office in its first week.
The film saw a positive...
The upcoming mature love story featuring veteran actors Ajay Devgn and Tabu in the lead was to be released in theatres on July 5. However, the latest reports suggest that the makers have decided to postpone the project to...
Crew has surpassed expectations at the box office, much like Shaitaan did three weeks ago. Initial predictions suggested an opening of around 7 crores on Friday, but the film exceeded that with an impressive 9.50 crores collection. Even with...
After debuting at 1.63 crores on Friday, the focus shifted to the performance of Madgaon Express on Saturday. Despite a fair start, the film needed significant box office growth over the weekend to sustain momentum into the following week....
Yodha continues its strong presence at the box office, surpassing the 10 crore mark on its second day of release. The film's earnings received a significant boost on Saturday, contributing to its achievement of reaching double-digit figures.
With a collection...
Vidyut Jammwal, recognized for consistently securing 4-5 crore openings before the pandemic, temporarily shifted his focus to OTT platforms during the pandemic. Notably, his venture Khuda Haafiz: Chapter One garnered commendable success in the digital space. However, upon returning...
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya made a noteworthy entry into the box office on its opening day, raking in 7.02 crores, aligning with the projected 7-8 crores range. Although hitting the midpoint of the forecasted range would have...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...