Director Ayan Mukerji has announced that Brahmastra 2 and 3 will be filmed simultaneously with the goal of releasing the second instalment in 2026. Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva, starring Ranbir Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, and Alia Bhatt, was released in Indian theatres on September 9, 2022, and grossed Rs. 257.44 crores. The movie is the first in a trilogy directed by Mukerji.
Speaking at the News18 Rising India summit in New Delhi, Mukerji stated, “We will make Brahmastra 2 and 3 together. The truth is we are going to take a little bit of time to write it. I know there’s a lot of anticipation.” He added, “People want the (second part of the film) film to come out. But pehle achchi tarah se likhenge without compromising it. I think it will be about three years from now before we see Brahmastra 2 on the big screen.”
Despite its success at the box office, Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva received criticism for its weak dialogues, which were written by Hussain Dalal. Mukerji acknowledged the criticism, saying, “We did get some mixed reactions. We still did really good numbers. A lot of people accepted our film. It also did well when it came out on streaming (platform). It’s probably the highest-grossing Hindi film of 2022. But I still hear that criticism very clearly.”
Mukerji went on to explain that he accepts and agrees with some of the criticism, particularly as it relates to the writing and story of Brahmastra. He wants to comprehend these aspects and make the second part even better.
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