With an ensemble cast of Ajay Devgn, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol, Neha Sharma, and Sharad Kelkar, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior hit the big screens on the 10th of January and took the box office by storm. The Om Raut directorial debuted at the box office with 14.50 crore INR and saw the trend soaring high on the first weekends. With just 12 days run, the period action drama is inching towards the 200 crore club.
Despite getting stiff competition from Deepika Padukone starrer Chhapaak, Tanhaji roared at the box office and minted 59.75 crore INR in the first week of its run at the theatres. The biographical period action movie entered the 100 crore club in just 5 days of its release and now aims at achieving the second benchmark. With a whopping collection of 7.72 crore INR on the second Tuesday, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior stands at 183.34 crore INR and inches towards 200 crore mark.
However, with the upcoming release of dance-drama, Street Dancer 3D, which stars Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor, Prabhudeva and Nora Fatehi among others, the Ajay Devgn might experience a lukewarm response at the ticket windows. The action drama is expected to collect 195 crore INR by the end of its second-week run and achieve the target by the end of the third week.
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