The fourth instalment of the epic comedy-drama franchise Housefull has made a huge buzz among its fans. With an ensemble cast of Akshay Kumar, Kriti Sanon, Riteish Deshmukh, Kriti Kharbanda, Bobby Deol, and Pooja Hedge, Housefull 4 had a great start at the box office and continued a great run with positive word of mouth.
Housefull 4 earned a whopping 18.85 crore INR on its opening day despite Diwali celebrations which usually result in poor response at the box office. The movie continued a stronghold at the weekend and continued the trend on the weekdays as well. The epic reincarnation story minted 24 crores on Tuesday to take its total to 109 crore INR in just five days.
The success of the comedy-drama has also shattered numerous records for Akshay Kumar. Housefull 4 is Akshay Kumar’s fifth movie in a row to enter the 100 crore club and the third movie of the year to cross the 100 crore mark within a week. The movie also marks 13th movie of Akshay Kumar with more than 100 crore INR collections at the box office tieing with Salman Khan who has the exact number of 100 crore club movies.
Meanwhile, Housefull 4 is expected to shatter more records at the box office since there is no big project releasing this week. Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar took to his social media handle to express his joy and gratitude to his fans.
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