The iconic 90s anime film, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, returned to theaters on January 24, 2025, in a stunning remastered 4K version. Co-directed by Yugo Sako, Koichi Sasaki, and Ram Mohan, the film has successfully rekindled nostalgia among fans while introducing the epic tale to a new generation. After completing its first weekend at the box office, the movie showed steady growth, particularly on its third day.
Distributed by Geek Pictures India, AA Films, and Excel Entertainment, the animated adaptation of the Ramayana collected ₹1 crore on its first Sunday, boosted by the Republic Day holiday. This brought its total opening weekend collection to ₹2.1 crore.
Day-Wise Box Office Collection:
- Day 1 (Friday): ₹40 lakh
- Day 2 (Saturday): ₹70 lakh
- Day 3 (Sunday): ₹1 crore
- Total (Weekend): ₹2.1 crore
Despite facing stiff competition from Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama managed to secure the second spot at the Hindi box office.
The movie, which has been released in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu, stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of the Ramayana. The animated retelling of this epic saga has drawn audiences with its rich storytelling and captivating visuals.
While Sky Force continues to dominate the box office, it remains to be seen how Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama fares during weekdays, especially as it also competes with Daaku Maharaaj.
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