In 2023, Rani Mukerji will turn 45. The actress has worked in Bollywood for over 25 years. With Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat, she made her acting debut in 1996. Her later performances in movies like Black, Veer-Zaara, Yuva, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, No One Killed Jessica, Mardaani, and Hichki, among others, left us in awe.
With her frank autobiography, superstar actor Rani Mukerji makes her writing debut. It will be released on March 21, 2023 on her birthday. The biography is an incredibly personal and frank account of Rani’s remarkable journey, making it a sure-fire hit with her fans and readers. It will provide readers a peek into the life of the Bollywood legend that has never been seen before.
Rani Mukerji asserted that in her 25 years of committed service to the Indian film industry, she has never spoken openly about her personal life or career in movies. Since women in cinema are regularly criticised, the book examines her personal challenges and how they influenced her as she navigated the field and her career. The actor hasn’t got a chance to stop and think about her life. Rani used her book as a way to look back on all she had gone through, beginning with her early years. This one is for her and all the folks who have kept her grounded and showed her undying love. Rani is eager to witness their reactions when this book is released on her birthday the following year since it will make the moment even more special.
For many people who grew up in the 2000s, Rani Mukerji was everything an actor should be, according to Bushra Ahmed, Senior Commissioning Editor, HarperCollins India: gorgeous, deliciously quirky, and capable of compelling performance. She is an actor who stands on the shoulders of the strong women she depicts in her films because she is a product of a period when stars shone on the big screen without the sparkle of social media celebrity. They are overjoyed that she decided to publish her memoir with HarperCollins since it would be a gift for readers.
Rani will next be seen in the Ashima Chibber-directed film Mrs Chatterjee vs. Norway in the meanwhile. The movie is probably going to be released in 2023.