Ever since the announcement of the collaboration between Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan for the film Jawan, speculations about Thalapathy Vijay’s involvement in the project have been circulating. Although the absence of the Tamil superstar in a cameo disappointed fans, a recent revelation by Atlee has taken everyone by surprise. The filmmaker confirmed that he is indeed planning a film that will feature both superstars and the agreement has already been reached.
In an interview with TV presenter Gopinath, Atlee disclosed that the idea for a project with Shah Rukh Khan and Thalapathy Vijay was discussed during his birthday celebrations. Notably, Atlee had shared a photo of the two stars together on his birthday, sparking rumours about Vijay’s potential cameo in the action-packed entertainer. Atlee shared that Vijay and SRK initiated the conversation and informed him that they are both keen to work together if Atlee plans a two-hero film in the future.
Delving deeper into the details of this exciting venture, Atlee mentioned that while he aspires for the project to materialize, it is still in its early stages. Currently, he is dedicating efforts to developing the script, and the film has not yet entered the initial production phase. “So, I am working on it. It could be my next film. I am working very hard to come up with a script for it. Let’s see,” he added.
Atlee’s recent release, Jawan, made a significant impact on its Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu audiences, earning praise and establishing itself as one of the year’s major releases. The film, featuring Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, among others, hit the screens on September 7, garnering widespread appreciation from the masses.
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