Former Bigg Boss contestant and Bhojpuri actress Monalisa is hitting the right chores with her stint in the popular daily soap Nazar. The actress recently visited the sets of popular task-based show, Khatra Khatra Khatra, to shoot a special episode which turned into a misfortunate incident.
According to reports, the actress was supposed to do tasks along with the ensemble cast of the fun show but while performing one of those stunts, Monalisa injured herself and was rushed to a nearby hospital. We are awaiting more updates on the same but the sources claim that the actress is fine as she had a minor injury.
Earlier, another actress, Shraddha Arya of the daily soap Kundali Bhagya fame, injured herself during the shooting of the same celebrity-based entertainment show.
On the work front, Monalisa is currently playing the antagonist in the supernatural drama Nazar and getting recognition for her performance in the show.
Watch this space for more updates on her injury and keep reading the EntNetwrk Blog for the latest entertainment updates.