After the current season of the celebrity-based reality show Bigg Boss went phenomenally viral, contestants are enjoying enormous popularity. While very few knew about model turned actor Asim Riaz before his stint in the reality show hosted by Salman Khan, he is currently a household name and has gained fame for his journey in the madhouse so far.
While Asim Riaz is one of the contestants who might win the Bigg Boss winner’s trophy of the thirteenth season, the latest report is a treat to his fans as he might be a part of another reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, next year. As per the media reports, Asim Riaz has been approached to be a contestant of the stunt-based reality show for the eleventh season. The report also claims that Asim Riaz’s brother was approached by Colors TV for Asim’s participation in the reality show hosted by Rohit Shetty.
However, there has been no confirmation about the news either by Asim’s brother or the makers of Khatron Ke Khiladi. If the news turns out to be true, Asim Riaz’s fans will get to see him post Bigg Boss 11. Meanwhile, the actor has been performing great in the madhouse so far and has proved himself to be one of the strongest contestants of the season.
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