Hosted by Salman Khan, Bigg Boss 13 maintained its controversial take from the very beginning and recently made it to the top 10 list of highest TRPs issues by BARC. While the contestants of the celebrity-based reality show are busy getting into ugly spats amongst each other, controversies are not limited to the madhouse. Recently, the wife of Vikas Pathak aka Hindustani Bhau filed a police complaint in support of the YouTuber.
Ashwini Pathak, wife of Hindustani Bhau, submitted a handwritten complaint at Khar Police Station in Mumbai for negative statements made against him on social media. The letter informs that some people are impersonating to be his family members and addressing fake statements to media against the Bigg Boss contestant.
“Many incorrect and fake messages, statements, videos are made against Hindustani Bhau. People are addressing themselves as family members, mentioning themselves as brothers, aunt, are no one to him. Our family includes my mother-in-law, my son, my mother, father, Hindustani Bhau’s nephew Sandesh. This letter is to inform that in case any misconduct or misuse is done by any outside person, we are not responsible for the same,” the letter reads.
Ashwini Pathak further requests media to not take interviews of such fake relatives who are giving fake information against Hindustani Bhau and creating controversies. Meanwhile, Hindustani Bhau is going strong in the reality show and receiving love from his fans.
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