Ponniyin Selvan, directed by Mani Ratnam, is a two-part movie that was produced on a hefty budget of around Rs 500 crores. Today the first part of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ has been released and reviews for the historical drama have been encouraging. The distribution of unauthorised versions of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ has been prohibited by the Madras High Court. The creators of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ have petitioned the court to prevent the publication of the movie on illegal streaming platforms since doing so may result in financial loss for them. The Madras High Court has so prohibited the release of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ on pirated websites; in all, more than 2000 websites have been forbidden to release the film.
As fans can only enjoy the movie on big screens, this gives the movie more force. The producers have also asked fans to provide links to ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ pirated copies in order to make them inaccessible. In order to prevent spoilers, cinephiles have been asked by fans not to post any videos or images from the theatre captured from the screening on social media.
The Padma Shri winner finally brought his most ambitious idea to the big screen more than three decades later Ponniyin Selvan, which takes place in or around 900 AD, depicts the story of a titanic power struggle that took place within and beyond the Chola Empire. In addition to other actors in major parts, ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ also features Jayam Ravi, Chiyaan Vikram, Karthi, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Trisha, Jayaram, Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj, and Prabhu. The soundtrack was written by AR Rahman, while Ravi Varman was in charge of the visuals. Today’s early morning broadcasts of the eagerly anticipated movie kicked off, and viewers have given it high marks.