The elderly couple selling roadside eatery by the name of Baba Ka Dhaba rose to fame after a YouTuber, Gaurav Wasan, featured them in a video and requested everyone to support them. The video went viral in no time and Baba Ka Dhaba became a brand overnight. While many donated to the wellbeing of the elderly couple, things get twisted in no time.
For the unversed, the YouTuber raised money for the elderly couple who were surviving by selling roadside eatery in Delhi. However, soon after receiving the funds, the Baba Ka Dhaba owner Kanta Prasad accused YouTuber Gaurav Wasan of swindling him of a major chunk of donations. Soon after, there was a constant debacle for truth on social media. Earlier this week, Gaurav uploaded a new video that showed Kanta Prasad apologizing for his alleged mistake.
However, in a shocking incident, Kanta Prasad was rushed to Safdarjung hospital in Delhi after an alleged suicide attempt. According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police, the Baba Ka Dhaba owner overdosed on sleeping pills which made him collapse. His wife has stated that the 81-year-old is under huge debt after their recent venture failed miserably and the financial instability could be the reason for such an unfortunate step.
After getting overnight wealth, Baba Ka Dhaba opened a lavish restaurant which reportedly costed him more than he could afford. Earlier, Kanta Prasad had revealed that his new food venture was costing him around one lakh INR per month to run it but he was hardly earning one-third of the investments. Early this year, the couple had to shut down their restaurant and returned to their original roadside stall in Malviya Nagar.
Currently, Kanta Prasad is in ICU and the police are currently investigating the matter further. We wish him a speedy recovery.