Ayushmann Khurrana is set to embark on a unique cinematic journey as he steps into the shoes of legendary cricketer Sourav Ganguly in an upcoming biopic. Producers Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg are teaming up to bring this sports drama to life, with the talented Vikramaditya Motwane taking the directorial helm. Ayushmann, known for his unconventional roles, aligns perfectly with the left-handed batsman Ganguly’s character, making him an ideal choice for the biopic. Motwane, celebrated for films like Udaan and Lootera, is set to weave his directorial mastery into this cinematic venture, creating anticipation for a potential masterpiece. An official announcement is expected soon.
Earlier on, Vikramaditya Motwane had initially signed on for the project but later opted out. However, recent reports suggest a change of heart, with the director returning to the project and already immersing himself in the pre-production work. The collaboration between Ayushmann, Luv Ranjan, Ankur Garg, and Vikramaditya Motwane has generated excitement, with stakeholders eagerly anticipating the cinematic magic they will create together. While specific details about the biopic remain under wraps, the film is poised to go on floors in the latter half of 2024.
As Ayushmann Khurrana negotiates the final details for his role, preparations for the Sourav Ganguly biopic are set to intensify. The actor, resembling Ganguly in his left-handed batting style, will undergo extensive training to authentically portray the cricketer’s life on screen. The upcoming sports drama promises to be a compelling addition to Ayushmann’s repertoire of unique and diverse filmography, marking another ambitious step in the actor’s career. Stay tuned for the official announcement, as the Sourav Ganguly biopic gears up for its cinematic journey.
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