Lovebirds, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, have been shooting their first project, Brahmastra, for the longest and the movie is finally ready for a release in September. However, the actors are also in the news for their rumoured wedding next week. But ahead of the rumoured wedding date, filmmaker Ayan Mukerji dropped a hint at their 4-day wedding ceremony.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have been dating each other for years now and both the actors have expressed their love for each other in one way or another. While the rumours of their wedding have been running in the gossip mills for the longest, everyone believes that this is it and the two are finally tying the knot. Meanwhile, the director of their upcoming movie and a great friend to both, Ayan Mukerji, has unveiled another poster from the movie with the theme of ‘love’.
Sharing a poster of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt holding each other in their arms, the director captioned it, “Love is the light!” He further added that the movie was earlier supposed to be titled ‘Part One: Love’ before it was replaced with the titular character ‘Shiva’. Adding flame to the wedding rumours of Ranbir and Alia, Ayan further wrote, “So here it is, our Love Poster! The Time feels Right for it… There is some extra love in the air these days!”
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While the filmmaker indirectly confirmed that the love is in the air for Ranbir and Alia, some family members of Alia Bhatt have also confirmed the wedding rumours and shared more details about the ceremony, which is reported to be held on April 14 at Ranbir’s home.
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