While the entire world is suffering from the Coronavirus pandemic, renowned Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor has been tested positive for the deadly virus becoming the first Bollywood celebrity to have contracted the disease. Issuing a public statement on her...
Salman Khan has carved a unique niche and audience for himself and the actor has been seen portraying 'Chulbul' characters onscreen in dozens of his last releases. While the actor was last seen playing a fun-loving cop in the...
The entire world is taking a rest in response to the deadly Coronavirus and every sector is equally affected by the pandemic. While the box office stooped its lowest in March, the Indian entertainment industry is shut in order...
While the entire entertainment industry is resting after the Coronavirus outbreak, Bollywood actors are keeping in touch with their fans as they update on their time spent in the self-quarantined period. Recently, Katrina Kaif took to her social media...
Coronavirus halted the entire entertainment industry after the World Health Organization declared the viral outbreak a pandemic. While the filmmakers and leading film bodies have decided to suspend all shoots from March 19 to 31 as a safety precaution,...
Katrina Kaif, who is awaiting the release of her next Bollywood drama, Sooryavanshi, alongside co-star Akshay Kumar, is currently in self-imposed quarantine. The Coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization last week and ever since the...
Vaani Kapoor touched the pinnacle of her success in the Indian entertainment industry last year as she was cast opposite Hrithik Roshan in the blockbuster action-drama, War. While the actress had limited screen time in the movie, she played a...
Coronavirus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization recently as the global threat has infected over 2 lakh people in over 170 countries across the world. As prevention measure to contain the outbreak, many state governments in...
Reportedly started in the wet markets of Wuhan, China, Coronavirus became a global threat and the World Health Organization declared the virus outbreak a global pandemic. While the entire world is suffering from the viral spread, many Bollywood celebrities...
Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has been topping the headlines ever since his last release, Kabir Singh, boomed at the box office and helped the actor reclaim his superstar status. While the 39-year-old actor recently wrapped his shoot in Chandigarh for...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...