Indian filmmaker Atlee Kumar made a blockbuster debut with his directorial Jawan featuring Shah Rukh Khan in the lead and he is on to making another cinematic spectacle. According to the rumour mills, Atlee is in talks with superstars Salman Khan and Rajinikanth in a collaboration bigger than any seen before in Indian cinema.
According to a report published by entertainment news portal Bollywood Hungama, Atlee’s next is to be bankrolled by the production house Sun Pictures which is known for its close ties with Rajinikanth and hints that the movie may bring in the superstar in a key role. It was also earlier reported that Atlee and Salman Khan have been in talks for the past two years to discuss a pan-India mass actioner and the ambitious project might bring the two superstars to share the big screen.
While the two are yet to sign the dotted line and an official confirmation is yet to come, the project is likely to commence production by the end of the year making it the biggest collaboration of the year. If the planning goes as intended, Salman Khan will dive into the project post the completion of his next, Sikankar, and Rajinikanth to join the project after wrapping Coolie.
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